Jack loves to cockroach.
After everyone's teeth get brushed after dinner and the uprights want to catch up on
TV (we TiVo), the household moves upstairs. Jack is usually the last one to come up.
I think he doesn't want to commit to climbing the stairs until it
is absolutely certain that we are changing floors. It's just as likely however that
he wants to be sure that no morsel has been left uneaten. He has on multiple occasions
found the liver brownies container mistakenly left in ready reach when I've finished
brushing teeth.
When Jack does climb up the stairs, he bounds into the room with big exaggerated bounds
as fast as he can, and greets us, tail wagging, as if to say, "were you watching? I DID IT! Now
scratch me! Yes!" Then he scopes out the couch, or the futon, and joyfully leaps on it,
claiming it as his. After he kicks, chuffs, and squirms himself there, wrecking the
covers and sending the pillows flying, he'll bomb-dive, perfectly executing a dropped shoulder
roll in which he ends up cockroached against the back of the couch. A few minor adjustments
and squirms later and he'll remain sleeping inverted like that, twitching and kicking in
his dreams until someone makes him move to go out for the bedtime potty. If Tom or I
join him on the futon he will snuggle up against us, encouraging all the scritches and
rubs he can get for the entire evening.
Most of the time these days that's where he'll end up settling in for the night - upstairs
on the couch or futon upside down. I love the times though that he wants to sleep on my
bed with me as he's a very good bed-buddy and stays quiet for the evening. He likes it
when I prop a pillow and roll him into a cockroach position against it. He'll stay like
that for most of the night before changing positions.
Jack loves to sleep.
Nighttime, daytime, it doesn't matter. Duh, he IS a greyhound.
I don't know what else to say about him. He lives a dog's life here. He's happy. He loves
meeting people, He loves walks. He loves mealtimes. He really gets happy and excited when
his people come home and loves to hang with them. He's very intelligent, and I often admit
that he may be smarter than the people in the house. We try to not let him think so though.
He's his own person. He belongs to himself. He has a strong will. He is very loving. He has a sense of humor.
He is eager to please provided you ask him nice and don't bully him. Reminds me of me. :-)
Jack is my friend.
I have thoroughly loved this year with him that we've been gifted with. I can't tell you
how much I love this old guy.
Full of light - that's Jack!
Full of fire - that's Jack!
That's Jack.