Welcome! You have reached the personal website of Tom Potter and Stavros Phillips. We intend this site to be a celebration of all that which is Greyt. The view here is through our eyes and as such represents a very personal view. It is mostly about Greyhounds with a very strong bias towards those most special of dogs, the seniors. We are just CRAAAZY! about the needlenoses with the silver masks!
We recommend that you not set a bookmark or link to any object at this site except for this, the home page. This site is very much a work in progress and as such things get moved around or renamed frequently which will break your link. If you enjoy and choose to use a graphic file for example do not link to it here but copy it instead to your own server.
Remember always that this is a personal site so anything encountered in our travels through life is possibly a topic here...
At any rate we hope you enjoy your visit to our home in cyberspace.
Page accesses since 10/10/2001:
Last updated Saturday 6 February 2010
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